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Can I Colour My Hair If I Have Hair Loss?
Yes, you generally can color your hair even if you are experiencing hair loss, but there are some important considerations:
Type of Hair Loss:
If you have common forms of hair loss, like female pattern hair loss or telogen effluvium (a temporary shedding phase), you can safely color your hair without it affecting your hair loss.
Specific Conditions:
If you have conditions like lichen planopilaris or folliculitis, your scalp may be irritated. In these cases, it’s advisable to avoid coloring your hair, as the chemicals can aggravate the irritation and cause more discomfort.
If you're experiencing a flare-up of irritation, it's best to wait until your scalp heals before applying any chemical treatments.
In summary, while coloring your hair is generally safe during hair loss, if you have any scalp irritation or specific conditions, it’s best to consult with a dermatologist or hair specialist before proceeding.
Think you may have hair loss? Consider booking in an online or in person consultation with us.